Book-seller's Accounts
(strip) Geo: Hockley pay to Mr Man 10 ll.¦¦
(flyleaf) [a line now missing] heere to fore received untill the 15 day of Oc¦¦ year 1612
In pay to Mr Waterson 10 s & desire o¦¦ an acquaintance of 7ll 10s that he hath received¦¦ Macham & Cutchey & your self & p[?]¦¦ you buy at Mr Adams 2 stows Cronicle that¦¦ the raigne of kings Jame in them bound in¦¦ith an overall[?] and spine for them 16s
at back, with strip stuck to lower and board, and all wrapped around a blank flyleaf (no watermark)
left-hand side, perhaps from middle of page
The fragment is formed of a binding strip (151 x 30mm) pasted to the lower board and a flyleaf (153 x 91mm) which appear to have been conjoint but a thin strip has worn away at the spine with the loss of a line of text.
153mm (h) x 121mm (w)