Host Volume

Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett H.f.4

Publication Details
Type of host
printed book retaining early binding
Author of volume

Nicolaus Gallasius (Des Gallars)

Title of volume

In Exodum, Qui secundus est liber Moisis


Geneva: Iohannes Crispinus, 1560

Binding Information
Binding style
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail

Plain brown leather, rebacked. Blind-stamped centrepiece ornament (a popular design, like, but not the same as, Pearson, Oxford, centrepiece xiv). Repair to the back cover shows the location of a former chain-staple, towards the top of the fore-edge.

Place of binding


Date range for binding

?s. xvi2 (post-1560)

Hosting Information
Number of fragments


Number of manuscripts represented


Further Information
  • an institutional library?: note the evidence of there having been a chain-staple.
  • Samuel Harsnett (1561–1631), archbishop of York, 1629–31.
Author: James Willoughby