Host Volume

Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett I.b.18(1)

Publication Details
Type of host
printed book retaining early binding
Author of volume

Haymo, episcopus Halberstattensis

Title of volume

Homiliarum … pars aestivalis


Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus ('Officina Eucharij Ceruicorni'), 1537

Binding Information
Binding style
blind-stamped, panel
Binding detail

Oldham, Panels, HM.1. On three thongs, rebacked (1971). Two sets of two nails on upper board to seat leather straps, concomitant thin clips remain on lower board. On fore-edge, title written, foot towards lower board.

Place of binding

London (John Reynes)

Date range for binding

1537 x 1544

Hosting Information
Number of fragments

0 (offset only)

Number of manuscripts represented


Further Information
  1. On front and back flyleaves, extensive annotation, author unidentified.
  2. Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631), archbishop of York (1629-31).
Author: David Rundle_